The WikiBlog of Michael Hamann about changing technologies and more

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You like what I've created or that I've helped you in some way? That's great, I like helping people! If you want to give something back you could do something, send me something nice, invite me or just pay some money.

Doing something

If you want to give something back there are many ways to do that. Getting involved into open source software is one way, there is a special page on how to get involved into the DokuWiki community (and no, you don't need to be able to program). I'm also always open for contributions to the projects I've created and if it's as simple as improving the documentation, adding some nice screenshots, translating texts, …

Giving something

You could send me something useful or nice even if it should be as simple as a postcard. Just ask me for my shipping address (the one listed in the imprint is okay but I normally don't live there so I prefer if you ask). Some ideas if you don't already have your own ideas:

Wish list

If you don't want to think about what I could want you could buy me something from my (still small) wish list on Amazon.

Of course you are free to order the items somewhere else or to send me something similar (possibly used).


I like to read, so sending me some book is definitely a good idea. Of course used books are fine, too, feel free to send me a book that you don't need anymore and think I could like it.

You can have a look at my Goodreads profile in order to get some ideas what I read, it's mostly science fiction, political or young adult.

eBooks are possible, too, I have a Pocketbook 360, so ePub, optionally with Adobe DRM, works best, PDFs for large formats don't work and Kindle eBooks obviously don't work either – for example kobo sells many eBooks and offers the possibility to send them as gift but especially in the case of non-fiction books many publishers also offer them directly even without DRM. However actually in most cases a used or cheap paper book is cheaper than an eBook.


If you think I should have a particular t-shirt/sweater/… – well, you could send it to me (if there is a choice I prefer organic sweatshop-free clothes).

Meeting in person

If you live close enough (to Karlsruhe/Germany) you could of course also invite me for a drink. I like Couchsurfing so if you have a couch to offer (actually some space on the floor would be enough, too) you could invite me. If I actually come to visit you depends of course on the distance, my time and if I think it's actually worth a visit.


If you prefer money I can send you an invoice for what I did for you, I have registered a sole proprietorship. If you just want to donate a small amount of money you can use this PayPal button:

If you want to support me regularly you can do that via Gittip.

If you want to give money for a specific feature and don't want to hire me directly (e.g. because you only want to give a part of the money), have a look at the bounties program of DokuWiki or add a bounty on Bountysource. Feel free to contact me by email if you want to discuss any of these or other options for giving money.

donate.1384966528.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/20 17:55 by michitux